Nurses Corner

The Agawam School Nurses are proud to be a part of your child’s education. Success in school is directly related to the good health and the emotional well-being of each student. Registered nurses who are employed by the Agawam Health Department staff the Health Offices of each school.


Our forms are in pdf format and can be viewed and printed. Please keep your school nurse updated with changes in medical history and emergency contact information.

Administration of Medicine in a School Setting

It is the policy of the Agawam School Committee that the school nurse will not administer any medications to students at school unless s/he is in receipt of an order for the specific medication signed by the physician, with parent signature approving the administration of the specific medication and a pharmacy bottle correctly labeled as to the specific medication ordered.


In the case of over the counter medications, the manufacturer’s label must be intact and specific to the medication ordered by the physician.

Mandated Health Screenings

It is mandated by Mass General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 57 that students receive the following health screenings as noted below:

Per M.G.L. c. 71, section 57

The vision and hearing of each student in the public schools is to be screened in the year of school entry, annually through grade 5, once in grades 6 through 8, and once in grades 9 through 12. 

The height and weight shall be measured for each student in grades 1,4,7, and 10.

Scoliosis Screening is to be done annually for grades 5 through 9.

Following the screening process a referral notice will be mailed home only to those students who fail the school based screening.  This letter will request that the student be seen by a physician for further evaluation.