AHS wants to hear from you! We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what families have to say about their school experience. Help your school understand how to improve!
Please use the link below to access the survey in the language of your choice.
Thank you!

Congratulations to Agawam High School, which has been named to the 2023 AP School Honor Roll! AHS is a Bronze member of the Honor Roll, with 45% of seniors who took at least one AP exam during high school and 29% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP exam.

Interested in STEM?

Agawam's athletes are the best, by par! Michael, a junior on the golf team, celebrated a hole in one on a par 3 at Agawam Municipal Golf Course this week. Way to go, Michael!

Interested in becoming a Healthcare professional? Explore Healthcare programs at STCC!

Dear Class of 2026 Students and Families,
Josten hosted an assembly today to introduce their class rings to our sophomore class. Each student can customize their own class ring to suit their personal style and tell their own story.
Be sure to order before the deadline to save $40 and receive FREE GIFTS from Jostens. Use the code GWPMTL40 at checkout to receive a $40 discount!
The Class Rings will be delivered at a ring event in February 2024.

AHS students in Mrs. Gozgit's Forensics class processed a faux crime scene this week, in their attempts to solve the "mysterious" case! Future CSI team, here they come!

Yesterday, students in Mrs. Devers and Mrs. Barrow's "Life After High School" classes completed a scavenger hunt around AHS. The activity was a fun way for students to work on stress and time management plus communication and collaboration skills!

AHS Boys Soccer Pasta Dinner
The Booster Club is organizing a Pasta Night fundraiser scheduled for Friday, Oct. 13th at the Polish Club to benefit the AHS Boys Soccer team. Please join for pasta, meatballs, raffles, music, games, and more!

Dear parents and guardians of elementary, middle, and junior high students,
Please read the letter attached.
We thank you for your continued support of student sportsmanship and safety.

Parents and Guardians, are you worried about how you'll pay for college for your student? If so, join us in the AHS auditorium on October 12th at 6pm for a MEFA presentation by Gail Holt. We'll be reviewing the ins and outs of Financial Aid and college costs!

AHS Juniors & Seniors- If you are interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) on Friday, November 17th from 7:45-10:45 am, complete this registration by 11/3/23. https://forms.gle/5qND9RSu7MRarQUJ9
Please email Ms. Sheehan with any questions.

Registration for Agawam Adult Education will be on Tuesday, September 19th from 5-7pm or on Wednesday, September 20th from 2-5pm in the AHS Guidance/Counseling suite. For more information, please go to: https://www.agawamed.org/o/ahs/page/adult-education-summer-school

To AHS juniors & seniors: The Hartford Art School is coming to AHS Nov. 8th at 7:20am. They will be located in Rm 52- Mrs. Waters' class. If you are considering a degree in the arts profession, please email Mrs. Waters at least a week before to let her know you plan to attend.

Brownies lead 24-6 at the half against Holyoke. #fridaynightlights

West Point is hosting a Facebook Live admissions information meeting next Tuesday, September 19th from 6-7pm. This event is wonderful for students, parents, and educators to attend to learn more about West Point and have their questions answered live. The event will be co-hosted by Army Major Richard M. Simpson (Northeast Regional Commander, Directorate of Admissions, United States Military Academy) and Cadet Devin Valverde ’25. Devin will be able to speak about cadet life at West Point and answer live questions as well! This event will be recorded for viewing at any time on our Facebook page “West Point Admissions”. Here is the link if you are interested or want to learn more. https://bit.ly/ADMBriefFBLive091923.

Western New England Univ. will host a College Fair on Mon, September 18th from 6:00-8:00 PM. A general admissions and financial aid presentation will take place prior to the start of the fair at 5:00 PM. Visit https://www.neacac.org/fall-college-fairs-2023 for more information.

Happy First Day of School from some of our AHS faculty!!

Reminder from the High School Nurse: If a student is prescribed any medications during school hours including an epipen or an inhaler, please provide medication orders to the nurse's office. Thank you.

We had a fantastic turnout this morning at 9th grade Orientation! Special thanks to our Chiefs for assisting in tours, Chromebook distribution, and welcoming our incoming freshmen and new students to AHS!