Our dedicated staff celebrates the first day of the 2022-2023 school year!
over 2 years ago, Agawam High School
first day of school!
Twelfth grade student Samantha Leary is pictured with Congressman Richard Neal in the rotunda on Tuesday. Samantha submitted her painting to the Congressional Art Competition and was chosen as the winner. Sam’s work will be on display in the U.S. Capitol for an entire year. She now moves on to the national competition against winners from other congressional districts. Congratulations Sam!
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Samantha L. and Congressman Neal
Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Awards Last night the Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Awards were held at the Log Cabin in Holyoke. Agawam High School teacher Sable Johnson was not only an award recipient, but she received a $500 "Innovators Award" for her cross curricular Shakespeare Food Truck project.
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Sable Johnson
Agawam JV beat the undefeated Ludlow JV!! Agawam varsity battled to a gritty 3-1 win (Ludlow had only lost to Westfield at 9-1). Scores were 25-27, 25-22, 25-23 and 30-28! We got our 8th win and are one more away from tourney birth with a game @Comp today and @miflord Friday
almost 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Agawam JV team
Attention Agawam High School!!! Tune in to your local PBS station Saturday, May 7th at 7pm and watch Agawam's "As Schools Match Wits" team take on Gateway Regional High School. Do we win the match? Do we qualify for the tournament? Tune in and find out!
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
As Schools Match Wits logo
AHS Career Pathways Open House
almost 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Pathways Open House
AHS First Annual Career/Job Fair May 25th 8 am to 10 am
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Career Fair
Who knew that all you needed for a successful fundraiser was to tape Mr. Joyal to the wall! On Friday, April 1st, staff and students got the chance. By donating a dollar to the Trevor Project this week at lunch, the GSA and Empowerment Club gave a ticket good for a piece of duct tape to help tape Mr. Joyal to the wall on Friday. Congrats to the Empowerment Club and GSA on a joint effort to support the Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization that focuses on suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ youth.
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Assistant principal Chad Joyal
The AHS As Schools Match Wits team faced off against Gateway Regional last week. The results are in, but we are not allowed to share at this time. You will need to tune in on May 7th, to see how they did! Team members are: Chris R., Eden B., and Huda S.
almost 3 years ago, Carla Chase
As Schools Match Wits team  photo
Diana Ghareeb, a Health Assisting student from Agawam has been selected as the CTEC “Student of The Year.” She will be honored along with 53 other vocational /technical students at Mechanics Hall in Worcester on April 14, 2022. Diana is the daughter of Carrie and George Ghareeb of Agawam. This National Honor Society member is also a two sport athlete in both indoor track and volleyball. Diana is the current “Secretary” of the schools (CTEC) “SkillsUSA” chapter and has won both gold and silver medals at regional competitions. She has been involved in numerous volunteer activities which have included a food drive within the school to fight hunger in the region, along with assisting area Lions Clubs with the staffing of their events. Diana is employed as a cooperative education student at a local medical facility where both staff and residents find her skills, level of maturity, and sense of humor to be a welcome asset to the community. She has been accepted to several colleges throughout the country, but plans on pursuing a nursing degree at either American International College or Worcester State College in the fall. Congratulations to Diana!
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Ctech logo
State Champions The Girl's Wrestling team took home the state championship last week! The pictures show the team with the trophy as well as Athena G. on the podium after winning the state individual title. Congrats! Team members included Olivia A., Ella A., and Olicvia D. The team is led by coach Coach Ramos.
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
AHS Girl's wrestling team
Agawam High School is excited to celebrate National Breakfast Week, March 7-11, 2022! Join us for breakfast with our "Celebrity" Servers!
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Moulton
National School Breakfast Week
Want to learn about the Innovation Pathways offered at AHS? Click on this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_o-1gTXXsx72Tu8lI0wB1tx0ko_qqzvIJcxn42zqHtA/edit?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Pathways to Prosperity
Agawam High School Band Parent Association Presents 2nd Annual Bingo for Designer Bags Friday, April 8, 2022 Storrowton Tavern (Carriage House) 1350 Memorial Ave., West Springfield, MA Doors open at 5:30 – Bingo starts at 7:00 Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served Please join us for an exciting night out to support the Agawam Band Program! We will feature designer handbags such as Dooney & Bourke, Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade and more along with amazing raffles prizes! Keep watching our event page for more details and previews of what’s to come. Click on the link: https://secure.givelively.org/event/agawam-high-school-band-parents-association-inc/2nd-annual-bingo-for-designer-bags
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Designer Bag Bingo
PARTNERS" RESTAURANT is hiring for summer employment! They operate the employee cafeteria at Six Flags beginning in April through October. It is the perfect weekend and summer job for high school students aged 16 and older. You will be a Partners employee, not Six Flags. Hours are flexible. They will be having a hiring fair at Partners Restaurant on March 6th & 7th as well as March 13th & 14th from 2pm-4pm for anyone interested. Some perks are: FREE entry to Six Flags during non-working hours, FREE guest passes. If you are unable to attend the hiring events, please email your interests to info@partnersrestaurant.com
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Now Hiring
Click here to view the AHS DESE Report Card https://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2021/00050505
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
DESE Report Card
AHS Varsity Hockey Senior Night
almost 3 years ago, Carla Chase
AHS Varsity Hockey team seniors
Six Flags New England is hiring! Click on the flyer for more information. https://5il.co/15sj5
almost 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Six Flags New England logo
The Spirit Club is hosting an Agawam night at the Springfield Thunderbirds hockey game against the Hartford Wolfpack on Friday, Feb 4th. at 7pm. All members of the Agawam community can get a $15 dollar group-rate ticket if they order it through this link: https://springfieldthunderbirds.formstack.com/forms/ahsspirit0204 Spread the word and join in for a fun night out. Be sure to order by Feb 3rd to get the discount.
about 3 years ago, Carla Chase
Springfield Thunderbirds logo
Come out and support the Agawam Future Medical Careers Club!
about 3 years ago, Agawam High School
Chipotle Fundraiser